Many special services and seasonal services are held at St. Francis of Assisi Parish throughout the year to celebrate and prepare ourselves during the holy seasons of the Catholic Church. Please consult the Bulletin, the Calendar of Events or the Parish Office for more information on any of the seasonal srevices. Some of these services are listed below.
Epiphany “All God’s Children” Mass
On the Feast of the Epiphany at our 5 pm Sunday Youth Mass, we celebrate “All God’s Children,” recognizing that regardless of our abilities, we are loved and cherished by God. At St. Francis of Assisi, we welcome with open arms those in our community with developmental, intellectual and physical disabilities and promote their full inclusion in all aspects of parish life. The various ministers for this Mass will be children and adults with differences. Following the celebration of the Eucharist, we host a reception for all gathered.
Lent and Easter
This is the most solemn and special season of the Liturgical year. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends before Evening Prayer on Holy Thursday. The Paschal Triduum of the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord begins with the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday.
In addition, St. Francis plans special children and youth services, and adult faith formation activities to help us prepare through prayer, abstinence and pentitence during this season.
St. Francis of Assisi Feast Day
Each year we celebrate our beloved patron's feast day with Mass, a picnic and a special blessing of animals.
Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service
The churches of Derwood have a long tradition of coming together for an ecumenical Thanksgiving service. The specific date and church change from year to year.
Advent and Christmas
During Advent we prepare for and anticipate the joyful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Liturgy during Advent focuses on this preparation using the Advent Wreath to guide our prayers of preparation. We also hold Communal Penance Services. The Christmas Liturgies are celebrated with commenerations of the first Nativity, joyful music, and beautiful decorations for the Christ Child.