Talent – identify our personal talents, spiritual gifts, skills and knowledge and search for way to share it at St. Francis of Assisi.
Time – a good start is finding a faith formation opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and a service opportunity to give back.
Treasure – our goal should be 5% to St. Francis and 5% to other worthwhile charities.
Time is often our most valuable commodity. We ask for an hour each week to worship God at Sunday Mass. We seek more than this bare minimum. There are many opportunities to deepen your relationship with God and for volunteer service. In deciding "what return shall I make to the Lord for all his goodness to me" (Ps. 116.12), we are urged to make a regular commitment of time by participating in two or more activities or services sponsored by the parish. The weekly bulletin is filled with appeals for help and opportunities to volunteer. When you are in the right relationship with the Lord, you want to give back. It’s like falling in love.
We hold the conviction that each member of our parish has been uniquely blessed by God with unique talents for the enrichment of our community. Here all persons are valued for who they are. Diversity enriches rather than divides us. We welcome initiative and encourage parishioners to step forward with their special talent, skills and knowledge. Start by asking yourself, “When am I happiest? When do I feel most alive?” Perhaps you enjoy teaching or cooking or comforting or building or organizing or singing. Even what might be viewed as a “cross” is a gift from God. Often those who carry the cross - the sick, those in crisis, fringe members of society, enrich our community as much as members whose circumstances permit a more active involvement. Pray and listen for his still, quiet voice. To have a job in the Lord’s vineyard is, in itself, a gift. We are asked to make a sacrificial offering to the Lord from whatever talents have been entrusted to us. “He who sows bountifully will reap bountifully.”
We have been blessed with a material abundance that makes even the less affluent among us rich in comparison to the rest of the world. The Lord seeks our generosity not just from our abundance, but from our substance. Part of being a good steward is being grateful. We should be prepared to return a portion of our gifts as a sacrificial offering to the Lord. The biblical tradition suggests that 10 percent of our income be directed to the needs of others. Five percent given to the local church and five percent distributed to other worthwhile charities. Of course, not everyone can achieve this goal. But we ask all to acknowledge their responsibility for sustaining the works of pastoral care carried on by the church and to contribute at a level that represents a truly sacrificial offering. Parish members are encouraged to use Online Giving through Faith Direct which makes planned giving easier for each of us and easier for the Church. Or as an alternative, use contribution envelopes based on your giving plan. We are also encouraged to include St. Francis of Assisi Parish among the beneficiaries of our wills.