Our Health Ministries ensure that we care for eachother in body, mind and soul.
Health Ministry
This ministry encourages wellness and healing of body, mind and spirit in our parish community through education, counseling, advocacy and referrals.
Coordinator: Betty Baklarz, RN, FCN, 301-412-1909
Friendly Visitors
The Health Ministry Friendly Visitor Program supplements visits already made by our clergy and Eucharistic Ministers but is not limited to persons already receiving Communion at home. The Mission of the SFA Friendly Visitor volunteers is to provide companionship by sharing their gifts of time and compassion through one hour weekly visits. To become a SFA Friendly Visitor contact:
Betty Baklarz, Health Ministry Coordinator 301-412-1909
Support Team
The Support Team brings together trained volunteers providing practical, emotional and spiritual support to parish members with health concerns or other acute needs.