Our ability to meet the needs of our parish is primarily determined by Sunday contributions. This income helps to pay program expenses, staff salaries/benefits, and the same general costs you face like utility costs, insurance and repair expenses. While living within the limits of our financial resources, we also look at ways we can expand and improve our programs that serve parishioners of all ages. Our operating budget also funds the ways we help neighbors in need.
Gifts can be made through Faith Direct. Through Faith Direct, you can make all of your contributions to St. Francis of Assisi via automatic payments from your checking account or credit card. This is a great way to simplify your giving and it’s the most cost-effective, environmentally-friendly way for us to receive your gifts. You can also text the word ENROLL to 301-804-2584 and use St. Francis code MD110.
Gifts by check can be placed in the collection basket during weekend Masses or mailed to the Parish Office:
St. Francis of Assisi
6701 Muncaster Mill Road
Derwood, MD 20855
If you would like to make a One-Time Gift to a special program at St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Christmas, Religious Education, Vacation Bible Camp, Offertory Catch-up, etc), please click here.
You will receive a receipt of your tax-deductible gifts in accordance with IRS requirements. Please let us know if you have any specific needs regarding the timing of these notifications; otherwise, you will receive the minimum summary of your gifts necessary to meet government standards.