Today I want to continue our reflection based on the 2018 Pastoral Letter issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love. To help us with this, I am going to use one of the handouts prepared by the USCCB as an aid to our discussion: “The Call to Address Racism in Our Hearts and Communities, which was copyrighted by the USCCB in 2018.
Our bishops hope that the fruit of a conversation addressing racism will be evident in our full celebration and integration of ethnic and cultural diversity, which is truly a gift from God. How can we respond to the call to address racism in our hearts and communities? Our bishops suggest four ways:
(1) Listen to and know the stories of our brothers and sisters who have suffered from racism in history, and in the present. True and authentic encounter is difficult but worth the effort. Authentic relationships require vulnerability, humility, and getting outside of our comfort zones. For some, this will mean actively seeking opportunities to engage with people of diverse backgrounds. For others, this might mean raising your voice or sharing your story. Through authentic engagement we bring together diverse perspectives and experiences which honor the fullness of God’s plan.
(2) Work to address both individual and systemic racism. Racism can be individual when persons fail to recognize certain groups as created in the image of God and equal in dignity, or it can be systemic, where practices or policies are upheld that treat certain groups of people unjustly. These systems are often perpetuated due to the silence or unawareness of many. Commit to learn more about racism and employment, housing, wealth, education, criminal justice—and then get involved in diocesan, parish, or community efforts to pray and work for conversion of both hearts and systems.
(3) Think about what you can do, wherever you are. Commit to raising your awareness in whatever situations you find yourself.
a. As people of faith, we can intentionally work to cre- ate spaces of welcome and opportunities for encounter. Create opportunities for sharing of stories and learn how racism impacts our communities. Regularly think about whose voices may be missing as leaders and volunteers in parish ministry. In parishes and schools, educators can use activities from to integrate contact on the pastoral lesson into their lessons.
b. In your family, think about with whom you socialize on a regular basis. Intentionally create opportunities to interact with whose you may not run into over the nor mal course of the week. Where in the community do you see diverse groups of people come together? Par- ents: talk with your children about race. Continuing to talk with them about everyone’s human dignity and the pain of racism in our country will help form them to
- respect the dignity of all. Find prayers for children at
c. At school or work, ask: How you can learn more about other cultures? What resources are available to you? If there are others who are treated differently be cause of their race, speak up. Think about what you might do if you hear someone making disparaging re- marks about a classmate or coworker. How can you be ready to respond?
(4) As individuals and communities of faith, examine your conscience. We all must ask ourselves: Where have I not lived as an example of Christ’s love? Where have my attitudes or perceptions caused me to devalue persons of other cultures or ethnicities? Where have I been unnecessarily suspicious or allowed a preconceived notion to overshadow the human nature of another? Where have I seen the “other” instead of welcoming an opportunity to listen to the story of that person’s life, struggles, or joys?
I would encourage everyone to read Open Wide Your Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love. It would be great if we could talk with one another about how our community could respond to the bishops’ invitation in the pastoral letter. USCCB resources against racism are at